Winter Event 2023: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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==Elves' Workshop==

There would be no Winter Event 2023 without an Elf's Workshop! You once again have the opportunity to choose one of two gifts to add to a bonus gift pile which you can then unlock with diamonds. Or if you just can't choose, you can pay the diamond cost to add both of them, or even switch the gift options available to choose from!
Det ville ikke vært Vinterevent 2023 uten et Alvverksted! Du har igjen muligheten til å velge en av to gaver for å legge til i en bonusgavehaug, som du deretter kan låse opp med diamanter. Eller hvis du bare ikke kan velge, kan du betale diamantkostnaden for å legge til begge, eller til og med bytte gavealternativene som er tilgjengelige for å velge mellom!


Every time you win the Daily Special or find a special tile, you'll also win an Elf for the Elves' Workshop. Each time you win an Elf you will have the opportunity to choose one of two gifts to add to a bonus gift pile.<br>
Hver gang du vinner Den Daglige Spesialen eller finner en spesiell flis, vil du også vinne en alv til Alvverkstedet. Hver gang du vinner en alv, får du muligheten til å velge en av to gaver for å legge til i en bonusgavehaug.<br>
Don't miss out, because among the bonus gifts are fantastic buildings, such as the Upgrades Kits for the Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop [[File:Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23C-79bb3d56a.png|25px]] and the Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium [[File:Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23C-0588fcfb4.png|25px]], the Epic Winter 2023 Selction Kit [[File:Reward_icon_selection_kit_epic_WIN23-c40edca26.png|25px]] and many more beautiful gifts!  
Ikke gå glipp av det, for blant bonusgavene er fantastiske bygninger, som Oppgraderingssettene for Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop [[File:Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23C-79bb3d56a.png|25px]] og Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium [[File:Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23C-0588fcfb4.png|25px]], det episke Vinter 2023 Utvalgsettet [[File:Reward_icon_selection_kit_epic_WIN23-c40edca26.png|25px]] og mange flere vakre gaver!

'''Note:''' You can open the Elves' Blessings at all times by paying diamonds, but remember: the bigger the pile the better deal you get!<br>
'''Merk:''' Du kan åpne Alvvelsignelsene når som helst ved å betale med diamanter, men husk: jo større haugen, desto bedre avtale får du!<br>

Sideversjonen fra 1. des. 2023 kl. 06:55

WINTER A Loading Screen 1-e52e710ce.png

Hilsener! Er det lyden av Santa sine bjeller jeg hører? Det er på tide å henge opp strømpe og pynte treet - Vinterarrangementet er her med alle sine premier og festlige glede!

Our Quest Givers, Ami and Isabella, once again need your help to decorate Mistletown for the festive season. Help them out, listen to Ami's stories and have fun unwrapping gifts and winning some magical prizes!

Hvordan kan jeg delta i Vinterarrangementet?


Vinterarrangementet er tilbake i 2023, og vi har noen oppgaver klare for deg å takle kulden! I løpet av arrangementet vil du støte på 70 oppgaver: 40 rushoppgaver vil være tilgjengelige umiddelbart, deretter en ny daglig oppgave hver eneste dag i arrangementet.




Vårt vinter brett er tilbake igjen for deg å nyte! Som i fjor begynner du den festlige moroa ved å samle Stars Winter event icon star currency.png fra oppgavelinjen, i tillegg til spesielle daglige oppgaver og hendelser gjemt rundt omkring i byen din.


Når du har samlet nok stjerner Winter event icon star currency.png og ønsker å starte feiringen, bare stokk bunken med Mystiske pakker og bruk 10 stjerner for å åpne en av dem.
I tillegg, hver gang du åpner en pakke, vil du motta en fyrstikk, som kan brukes til å gjøre fremskritt mot hovedpremien! Bruk en fyrstikk for å tenne lys inne i 1 eller 2 byhus. Når alle 20 husene er tent, vil byens vintertre lyse opp, og du vil få den spesielle hovedpremien!

I tillegg til vanlige gaver, er det også en sjanse for at du kan støte på en spesiell flis når du åpner en gave. Disse er:

Winter icon shuffle.png


Bland vil selvfølgelig blande brettet for deg, og det vil også gi deg 10 stjerner. Når det kombineres med "Dobbel utbetaling", dobles stjernene, men flisene blandes bare en gang.
Winter icon double.png

Dobbel Utbetaling

Dobbel Utbetaling vil doble belønningen fra den neste gaven du åpner. Hvis du ikke åpner noen gaver den dagen, vil den doble utbetalingen overføres til neste dag når du åpner en gave.
Winter icon show.png

Vis 2

Vis 2 vil avsløre innholdet av to gaver på brettet, og det vil også gi deg en liten mengde stjerner. Når det kombineres med "Dobbel Utbetaling", dobles stjernene, men bare to fliser avsløres.

Skjult blant gavene på shuffle-brettet er den Daglige Spesialen. Hvis du er heldig nok til å vinne Den Daglige Spesialen eller finne "Bland", vil du også vinne en alv til Alvverkstedet.
Du kan også vinne nøkler Reward icon winter daily key.png fra shuffle-brettet ved å åpne gaver. Disse nøklene lar deg åpne dørene til en kalender, så sørg for å prøve å vinne en nøkkel hver dag for å låse opp hele kalenderen!



Det ville ikke vært Vinterevent 2023 uten et Alvverksted! Du har igjen muligheten til å velge en av to gaver for å legge til i en bonusgavehaug, som du deretter kan låse opp med diamanter. Eller hvis du bare ikke kan velge, kan du betale diamantkostnaden for å legge til begge, eller til og med bytte gavealternativene som er tilgjengelige for å velge mellom!


Hver gang du vinner Den Daglige Spesialen eller finner en spesiell flis, vil du også vinne en alv til Alvverkstedet. Hver gang du vinner en alv, får du muligheten til å velge en av to gaver for å legge til i en bonusgavehaug.
Ikke gå glipp av det, for blant bonusgavene er fantastiske bygninger, som Oppgraderingssettene for Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23C-79bb3d56a.png og Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23C-0588fcfb4.png, det episke Vinter 2023 Utvalgsettet Reward icon selection kit epic WIN23-c40edca26.png og mange flere vakre gaver!

Merk: Du kan åpne Alvvelsignelsene når som helst ved å betale med diamanter, men husk: jo større haugen, desto bedre avtale får du!


Winter Event Calendar

The Winter Calendar is returning too, offering a new door to unlock every day, each holding a prize. Unlock all doors in the Calendar to win some bonus prizes! Those include the Santa's Spectacular Showtime, as well as Forge Plus for a duration of 7 days!


New doors will unlock each day of the Winter Event 2023, so make sure to come back every day to find the keys!

If you are very lucky and win more than one key on the same day on the suffle board Reward icon winter daily key.png, you will earn a Master Key Part Reward icon winter master key parts.png and 10 stars Winter event icon star currency.png instead, which will allow you to assemble additional Keys Reward icon winter master key.png to unlock any Calendar days you miss (5 Key Parts required to make a Master Key). You can also win Master Key Parts in the Daily Challenges, or purchase them with diamonds.

Please note: If your Daily Key is doubled, you will get a Daily Key and a Master Key Part together with 10 Stars!

Reward icon winter daily key.png
Daily Key
Reward icon winter master key parts.png
Master Key Part
Reward icon winter master key.png
Master Key


Winter Rewards

Daily Specials

Keep a keen eye for the Daily Specials. To win the Daily Specials, you need to open gifts. Every gift has a different chance to win the Daily Special. Please click on the gift you want to open to see the details about its rewards.


The Grand Prize

Winter Wonderland Pyramid

W SS MultiAge WIN23A1-4ed9121f9.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 1
W SS MultiAge WIN23A2-d0122677b.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 2
W SS MultiAge WIN23A3-c8e20f872.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 3
W SS MultiAge WIN23A4-2613c37d5.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 4
W SS MultiAge WIN23A5-c7b3eb876.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 5
W SS MultiAge WIN23A6-1eba9a7a5.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 6
W SS MultiAge WIN23A7-c38fcd364.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 7
W SS MultiAge WIN23A8-ba75b732c.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 8
W SS MultiAge WIN23A9-a1830b774.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 9
W SS MultiAge WIN23A10-3278011ca.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 10


Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid & Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid

That's not all! There will be two upgrades to boost the stats on your Pyramid to turn it in the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid (Silver Upgrade) and the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid (Golden Upgrade).

Use the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23A-03fd40fd9.png to upgrade your Winter Pyramid level 10 to the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid. Afterwards you can use the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid Golden Upgrade Kit Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23A-39bb72e0d.png to get the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid!

Reward icon upgrade kit WIN23A-628761ee7.png
Winter Wonderland Pyramid
Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23A-03fd40fd9.png
Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid
Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23A-39bb72e0d.png
Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid
W SS MultiAge WIN23A10-3278011ca.png
W SS MultiAge WIN23A11-98769e032.png
W SS MultiAge WIN23A12-9005d1770.png


  • 22 to 25% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 23 to 26% Attack for Defending Army


  • 1800 to 118600 Supplies

When motivatedWhen motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 10 to 13 Forge Points
  • 13 to 16 Goods
  • 10 Random Units
  • 5 Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Upgrade Kit Fragments (150 Required)
  • 1 Winter Wonder Retreat Selection Kit Fragment (100 Required)

No Road Connection Required


  • 225 to 14003 Population
  • 24 to 27% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 1 to 4% Attack for Attacking Army in Guild Battlegrounds
  • 26 to 29% Attack for Defending Army


  • 1900 to 126700 Supplies

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 13 to 16 Forge Points
  • 29 to 32 Goods
  • 11 Random Units
  • 5 Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid Golden Upgrade Kit (150 Required)
  • 2 Winter Wonder Retreat Selection Kit Fragments (100 Required)

No Road Connection Required


  • 238 to 14811 Population
  • 26 to 29% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 5 to 8% Attack for Attacking Army in Guild Battlegrounds
  • 29 to 32% Attack for Defending Army
  • 9 to 12% Attack for Defending Army in Guild Expeditions


  • 2000 to 134800 Supplies

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 16 to 19 Forge Points
  • 45 to 48 Goods
  • 12 Random Units
  • 3 Winter Wonder Retreat Selection Kit Fragments (100 Required)

No Road Connection Required

Note: You can only upgrade your Winter Wonderland Pyramid Level 10 with the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23A-03fd40fd9.png to transform the Winter Wonderland Pyramid into the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid. Afterwards you need a different Upgrade Kit, the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid Golden Upgrade Kit Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23A-39bb72e0d.png to transform your Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid into the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid.
Also keep in mind that the Winter Wonderland Pyramid - Lv. 10 gives you 1 Winter Wonder Retreat Selection Kit Fragment, the Grand Winter Wonderland Pyramid 2 fragments and the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid even 3 Winter Wonder Retreat Selection Kit Fragments Reward icon selection kit WIN23EF-a986aa183.png


Additional Winter Event Rewards

Ted's Blissful Choc & Ketebo Candy Delights

But wait, we have more presents for you! We also have a sweet boost for last year's Chocolatery building! Introducing Ted's Blissful Choc and Ketebo Candy Delights! The Nutcracker Guardhouse is also receiving a boost! So all of them got a new level!

Ted's Blissful Choc & Ketebo Candy Delights
Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN22Aa-7df660c0a.pngReward icon golden upgrade kit WIN22Ab-cc745dcb0.png The golden upgrades can be obtained in the Elves' Workshop, Silver & Gold League, Calendar Completion Reward and Event Pass.
W SS MultiAge WIN22A12a-1b4bd3def.png
Ted's Blissful Choc
W SS MultiAge WIN22A12b-393ea86d9.png
Ketebo Candy Delights


  • 760 to 17219 Happiness
  • 28% to 41% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 9% to 13% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 5% to 9% Attack for Defending Army
  • 23% to 36% Defense for Defending Army


  • 4 Forge Points
  • 44 Goods
  • 1 Nutcracker Guardhouse Selection Kit Fragment
    (100 Required)

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 4 Forge Points
  • 20 Goods
  • 2 Nutcracker Guardhouse Selection Kit Fragments
    (100 Required)


  • 760 to 17219 Happiness
  • 8% to 12% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 33% to 47% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 16% to 30% Attack for Defending Army
  • 6% to 10% Defense for Defending Army


  • 20 Forge Points
  • 12 Goods
  • 1 Nutcracker Guardhouse Selection Kit Fragment
    (100 Required)

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 8 Forge Points
  • 8 Goods
  • 2 Nutcracker Guardhouse Selection Kit Fragments
    (100 Required)


Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouse

Remember the Nutcracker - give this building a cracking boost and making it even more awesome!

Bag the Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouse Upgrade Kit Reward icon upgrade kit WIN22B-90d910a22.png as a prize in the Elves' Workshop, as a Calendar Reward or as a production from the Ted's Blissful Choc or the Ketebo Candy Delights, and turn your Nutcracker Guardhouse into the Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouse!

Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouse
Reward icon upgrade kit WIN22B-90d910a22.png Joyful Nutcracker Guardhouse Upgrade Kit can be found in the Elves' Workshop, as a as a production from the Ted's Blissful Choc or the Ketebo Candy Delights.


  • 8% to 12% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 10% to 14% Defense for Attacking Army


  • 2 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 4 Forge Points
  • 3 Mass Self-Aid Kit Fragments
    (30 Required)
W SS MultiAge WIN22B2-abda69c13.png


Other new reward buildings

The Christmas joy doesn't stop there! This Winter Event we also have some more new festive buildings to add some seasonal cheer to your city!

Santa's Spectacular Showtime (3x3)
Capy's Winter Holiday Spa (3x2)
Magical Winter Snow Globe (2x3)
W SS MultiAge WIN23D1-d50875a3a.png
Santa's Spectacular Showtime
W SS MultiAge WIN23E1-20eb1e9e9.png
Capy's Winter Holiday Spa
W SS MultiAge WIN23F1-be2179c38.png
Magical Winter Snow Globe


  • 44% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 60% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 57% Attack for Defending Army


  • 36 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 25 Goods
  • 24 Previous Age Goods
  • 10 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Selection Kit Fragments
    (150 Required)


  • -1080 to -24450 Happiness
  • -248 to -15450 Population
  • 6 to 12% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 8 to 14% Defense for Attacking Army
  • 21 to 27% Attack for Defending Army


  • 30 to 42 Previous Age Goods

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png
Random Production:

  • 75% Chance - 1 Renovation Kit Fragment (30 Required)
  • 25% Chance - 5 One Up Kit Fragments (30 Required)


  • -1620 to -36670 Happiness
  • -166 to -10300 Population
  • 12 to 18% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 4 to 10% Attack for Defending Army
  • 9 to 15% Defense for Defending Army


  • 3 to 9 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png
Random Production:

  • 75% Chance - 1 One Up Kit Fragment (30 Required)
  • 25% Chance - 5 Renovation Kit Fragments (30 Required)


Your townspeople deserve a treat, so we're introducing Elfie's Nog Shop - a level 4 building provides Selection Kit Fragments for this year's main event building, among other great bonuses! These buildings and its upgrades can be obtained from the Elves' Workshop!
You can transform the level 2 building with a Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop Siver Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23C-79bb3d56a.png in the Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop en after that upgrade your Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop into the Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium with the Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium Golden Upgrade KIt Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23C-0588fcfb4.png.

Elfie's Nog Shop Lv. 1 (3x3)
Elfie's Nog Shop Lv. 2 (3x3)
Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop (3x3)
Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium (3x3)
W SS MultiAge WIN23C1-309cca093.png
Elfie's Nog Shop - Lv. 1
W SS MultiAge WIN23C2-71b35a4d3.png
Elfie's Nog Shop Lv. 2
W SS MultiAge WIN23C3-3993204b0.png
Elfie's Cream & Nog Shop
W SS MultiAge WIN23C4-8da737b9f.png
Elfie's Cream & Nog Emporium


  • 23 to 28% Attack for Attacking Army


  • 11 to 13 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 1 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit Fragment
    (150 Required)


  • 23 to 28% Attack for Attacking Army


  • 11 to 13 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 22 to 30 Goods
  • 3 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Selection Kit Fragments
    (150 Required)


  • -1360 to -30600 Happiness
  • 23 to 28% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 32% to +37% Attack for Defending Army


  • 11 to 13 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 22 to 30 Goods
  • 3 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Silver Selection Kit Fragments
    (150 Required)


  • -1620 to -36670 Happiness
  • -248 to -15450 Population
  • 25 to 30% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 34 to 39% Attack for Defending Army


  • 13 to 15 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 34 to 42 Goods
  • 3 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Golden Selection Kit Fragments
    (150 Required)


Winter Event 2023 League

Unwrap presents, do your very best and make sure you finish in the top where great rewards await you. Not just the Silver and Golden upgrades you so desperately want, but also a sparkling avatar and a amazing building which is not available anywhere else in the game!


Note: The farther you advance in the event, the higher you climb up the league table. Remember: the higher your rank, the better the bonus goodies await to unwrap.


League Rewards

In this Winter Event, you can win an exclusive building which is only obtainable if you finish in the Golden League of this year's Leagues.

Sweet Gingerbread Cottage (3x3)
This sweet cottage can only be obtained as a prize in the Golden league (Top 1%)
W SS MultiAge WIN23B1-94aba780e.png


  • 45% Attack for Attacking Army
  • 56% Attack for Defending Army
  • 75% Defense for Defending Army


  • 31 Forge Points

When motivated When motivated-060eef00c.png

  • 27 Goods
  • 27 Previous Age Goods
  • 20 Winter Wonderland Pyramid Golden Selection Kit Fragments
    (150 Required)

  • No Road Connection Required


Winter Pass

Don't forget to claim your rewards in the Winter Passes! You can buy the Silver and Golden Eventpasses at any point in the event. All prizes you haven't claimed yet can be added directly to your inventory. Butt don't worry: all unclaimed prizes will be awarded automatically once the event is over, so you won't miss a thing!
In these passes, you can find the Grand Winter Wonderland Piramid Upgrade Kit Reward icon silver upgrade kit WIN23A-03fd40fd9.png and the Majestic Winter Wonderland Pyramid Upgrade Kit Reward icon golden upgrade kit WIN23A-39bb72e0d.png , but also the Chocolatery Golden Selection Kit Reward icon golden selection kit WIN22A-c36dcbe23.png to turn your Ted's Choc or Ketebo Candy into the Ted's Blissful Choc or the Ketebo Candy Delights!



Winter Avatars

No Event is complete without some seasonal new Avatars for you to enjoy! This year, we have 9 new avatars to show off and complete the Winter Event!

(Quest reward)
(Quest reward)
(League Reward)
(Calendar Reward)
(Grand Prize)
(Silver Pass)
(Silver Pass)
(Gold Pass)
(Gold Pass)