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Great Buildings are one of the fundamental mechanics of Forge of Empires. They represent great achievements in humanity's history and future and provide very powerful bonuses for your city!
Storslåtte bygninger er en av de fundamentale mekanikkene i Forge of Empires. De representerer store prestasjoner i menneskehetens historie og i fremtiden, og gir meget gode bonuser til byen din!


==What makes Great Buildings special?==
==Hva gjør Storslåtte bygninger så spesielle?==

Great Buildings provide your city with a unique bonus and often an additional production. They can also be leveled up to very high levels, providing even better bonuses and higher productions to your city while remaining the same size.
Great Buildings provide your city with a unique bonus and often an additional production. They can also be leveled up to very high levels, providing even better bonuses and higher productions to your city while remaining the same size.

Sideversjonen fra 29. mar. 2020 kl. 17:47

Storslåtte bygninger er en av de fundamentale mekanikkene i Forge of Empires. De representerer store prestasjoner i menneskehetens historie og i fremtiden, og gir meget gode bonuser til byen din!

Hva gjør Storslåtte bygninger så spesielle?

Great Buildings provide your city with a unique bonus and often an additional production. They can also be leveled up to very high levels, providing even better bonuses and higher productions to your city while remaining the same size.

Additionally, contributing Forge Points to the buildings of your friends, neighbors and guild mates may grant you contribution rewards for your own city and Great Buildings!

Building a Great Building

Great Buildings Great building.png are built very differently than regular buildings in the game. They require a set of Blueprints and Goods of their age to be constructed. The Building Menu will show you an overview of available Great Buildings and their Blueprints at a glance.
You are also able to view your Great buildings from the inventory menu under the Great buildings tab. Note that you won't see Great Buildings you haven't found any Blueprints of in this list.


Every Great Building requires nine blueprints, which you have to collect in order to construct the building. That can be achieved in the following ways:

  • Polish or Motivate your neighbors/guildmates
  • Plunder your neighbors, though chances to find something are a little lower than with polishing/motivating
  • Help other players construct their great buildings (see section "Donation Rewards")
  • Diamonds, once you found at least one blueprint of that building one of the other ways
  • Special events may feature blueprints as prizes
  • Incidents happening in your city can also give a small chance at finding blueprints
  • The Guild expedition is also a way to get blueprints. Look in the chest to see if you are lucky to get one, and what the percent is to win it.
  • Lastly a special building The Shrine of Inspiration Gives out an blueprint if motivated

When Polishing/Motivating/Plundering, the affected building's age defines what blueprint you might find. Example: If you motivate a pottery, a Bronze Age building, you can only find blueprints for the Statue of Zeus or the Tower of Babel – Great buildings of Bronze Age.

You can also trade two duplicates in a specific Great building for one blueprint in that same Great Building (but still in a random spot) if you are still looking to get a specific spot. Blueprints.png


Once you have the Blueprints of the buiding, you will also need th geather the goods required to contstruct it.


Make sure to trade with your guild, your neighbors and friends to obtain the needed goods. Once everything is ready, place the Great Building in your city by using the "Construct"-Button.

Leveling Great Buildings

Once you placed a great building, it's on level 0, like a construction site.

C SS MiddleAge 6x7.png

Unlike other buildings, these don't build up themselves, but have to be constructed with the use of forge points.

When the building reaches level 1, it is finally built, but can be upgraded to level 10 with forge points alone. You will then need set of blueprints to unlock levels past 10 (one set = one more level available).

The higher the building's level, the more powerful the bonus becomes and the greater the amount of forge points are needed to reach the next level.

Details on the forge-point costs and bonuses can be found in the respective site for each building.

Contributing to a Great Building

When contributing to a Great Building of a friend, guild mate or neigbor, the top five contributors will receive a reward once the building is completed. Players who have The Arc also get additional bonuses when placing in the top five of another player's building.

The rewards for contributing to a Great Building can be:

  • Forge Points
  • Medals
  • Blueprints of the supported building


Great Building List

Below you can find a list of all Great Buildings currently in the game. If you'd like to see an overview of the effects of all Great Buildings in the game, please have a look at our Great Building Boosts-Page.

Bygning Tidsalder Størrelse Ferdigheter
Observatoriet Ingen alder 3x3 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_fierce_resistance-72ef0a8c3.png Hardnakket motstand
Relikvietempel Ingen alder 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_relic_hunt-5f47d1985.png Relikviejakt
Delfis orakel Ingen alder 3x3 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Babels tårn Bronsealder 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_population-ec9540abc.png Befolkning
Statue av Zevs Bronsealder 2x3 icon_great_building_bonus_military-72d9f3315.png Millitærboost
Colosseum Jernalder 6x7 icon_great_building_bonus_medals-d29e77a05.png Medaljeproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Fyrtårnet i Alexandria Jernalder 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsboost
Hagia Sofia Tidlig middelalder 7x6 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Aachen domkirke Tidlig middelalder 4x6 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_military-72d9f3315.png Millitærboost
Galatatårn Tidlig middelalder 3x3 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_plunder_repel-74e9ea181.png Hindring for plyndring
Markuskirken Høymiddelalder 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Mynt boost
Notre Dame Høymiddelalder 4x6 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Vasilijkatedralen Senmiddelalder 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_fierce_resistance-72ef0a8c3.png Hardnakket motstand
Castel del Monte Senmiddelalder 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_military-72d9f3315.png Millitærboost
Frauenkirche i Dresden Kolonitiden 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Deal Castle Kolonitiden 7x7 icon_great_building_bonus_medals-d29e77a05.png Medaljeproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_fierce_resistance-72ef0a8c3.png Hardnakket motstand
Royal Albert Hall Industrialderen 7x6 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsboost
Capitol Industrialderen 7x5 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_population-ec9540abc.png Befolkning
Château Frontenac Den Progressive Tid 5x6 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_scroll-8bb80efd7.png Oppdragsbelønningsboost
Alcatraz Den Progressive Tid 10x7 icon_great_building_bonus_penal_unit-3746eef4e.png Fengselsenhet
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Space needle Den Moderne Tid 6x5 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Atomium Den Moderne Tid 7x6 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Cape Canaveral Den Postmoderne Tid 4x5 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
Habitatet Den Postmoderne Tid 7x6 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_population-ec9540abc.png Befolkning
Lotustempelet Samtiden 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Innovasjonstårnet Samtiden 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_population-ec9540abc.png Befolkning
Våpenhviletårnet Morgendagen 6x5 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_aid_goods-01b049e94.png Bistandsvarer
Voyager V1 Morgendagen 4x7 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_plunder_goods-a676df663.png Plyndrevarer
Arken Fremtiden 7x5 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_contribution_boost-e0df93e01.png Bidragsøkning
Regnskogprosjekt Fremtiden 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_aid_blueprints-8d0c2d633.png Hjelpeskisser
Gaea-statue Arktisk fremtid 6x4 icon_great_building_bonus_medals-d29e77a05.png Medaljeproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_happy-685b0c0a0.png Lykke
Frøhvelv Arktisk fremtid 5x6 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_helping_hands-0cbd90bc6.png Hjelpende hånd
Arktisk orangeri Arktisk fremtid 7x7 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_critical_hit_chance-2b5603a4b.png Kritisk treff
Atlantis Museum Marinefremtid 6x7 icon_great_building_bonus_goods-ecf3d9439.png Vareproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_plunder_and_pillage-b57d09b6c.png Plyndring og røving
Kraken! Marinefremtid 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_first_strike-fc4d9e07f.png Første angrep
Den blå galaksen Marinefremtid 7x5 icon_great_building_bonus_medals-d29e77a05.png Medaljeproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_double_collect-d6be5219d.png Dobbel innsamling
Terrakottahær Virtuell fremtid 4x6 icon_great_building_bonus_advanced_tactics-f51a4c798.png Avanserte taktikker
Himejislott Virtuell fremtid 6x6 icon_great_building_bonus_supplies-d07694640.png Forsyningsproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_spoils_of_war-8b70a4048.png Krigsbytte
Stjernekikker Romalder Mars 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_previous_era_good_production-f614a2d9f.png Vareproduksjon i forrige epoke
Virgo-prosjektet Romalder Mars 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_coins-d8012c389.png Myntproduksjon
icon_great_building_bonus_missile_launch-c9163f103.png Missilutskytning
Romfrakter Romalder Asteroidebelte 7x4 icon_great_building_bonus_special_goods-ce3ff4ea1.png Baneoverføring
icon_great_building_bonus_diplomatic_gifts-855d0b0bf.png Diplomatiske gaver
Flyvende øy Romalder Venus 4x6 icon_great_building_bonus_mysterious_shards-64a7d6e32.png Mystiske fragmenter
A.I.-kjerne Romalder Jupiter 5x5 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_algorithmic_core-c5a6b5ba1.png Algoritmisk kjerne
Saturngate VI CENTAURUS Romalder Titan 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_previous_era_good_production-f614a2d9f.png Vareproduksjon i forrige epoke
icon_great_building_bonus_military-72d9f3315.png Millitærboost
Saturngate VI PEGASUS Romalder Titan 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_forgepoints-e3ed48926.png Forskning
icon_great_building_bonus_fierce_resistance-72ef0a8c3.png Hardnakket motstand
Saturngate VI HYDRA Romalder Titan 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_advanced_tactics-f51a4c798.png Avanserte taktikker
Stjernekrigsskip Romalder Stjerneportal 5x3 icon_great_building_bonus_penal_unit-3746eef4e.png Fengselsenhet
icon_great_building_bonus_advanced_tactics-f51a4c798.png Avanserte taktikker
Kosmisk katalysator Romalder Stjerneportal 4x4 icon_great_building_bonus_guild_goods-e1fb74f07.png Klanvarer
icon_great_building_bonus_critical_hit_chance-2b5603a4b.png Kritisk treff