St. Patricks Day Event 2021
ready for the big festivities... would I be right?"
St. Patrick's Day Event introduserte en helt ny og unik måte å samle nye fantastiske avatarer, prestasjoner og bygninger som belønning, med en helt ny begivenhetsmekanik. Din oppgave er å hjelpe byfolk å forberede seg på denne betydningsfulle anledningen. Paddy McCharms er festivalens guide, så husk å lytte til ham når han viser deg rundt i byen, og introduserer deg til byfolket som vil hjelpe deg i din søken etter å arrangere den beste St. Patrick's Day-festivalen noensinne!
Hvordan kan jeg delta i St. Patrick's day-eventen?
Du må fullføre oppdrag for å tjene gullgryter. Det er 56 oppdrag å fullføre, 35 rushoppdrag, og deretter 1 oppdrag for hver dag av eventet. Du kan også finne enda flere gullgryter i hendelser rundt byen din. Bruk gullgryter i hovedarrangementsvinduet for å forberede deg på feiringen. Du kan også kjøpe flere gullpotter med diamanter hvis du trenger mer.
Når du åpner eventvinduet, ser du et kart over byen. På venstre side har du festivalen. Mot sentrum ser du en av byens fabrikker. Klikk på denne for å begynne å produsere varer til bruk i festivalen. Når produksjonen er fullført, legger de varene i containere klare til henting. Klikk på fergen nederst i venstre hjørne for å sende den for å samle varer fra byen og levere dem til festivalen. Når fergen kommer tilbake til festivalen, klikker du på den for å samle varene, og tjene kløver!
Bruk disse nylig opptjente kløverne til å oppgradere fabrikkene dine, forbedre produksjonen og maksimere produksjonen. Du kan også oppgradere fergen din, så vel som selve festivalen, for å øke mengden varer fergen kan bære over elven, samt hvor raskt festivalen kan bruke de leverte varene. Hvis du har samlet mange kløver , og ikke vil oppgradere produksjonene trinnvis, kryss av for 'max' -knappen øverst til venstre for å oppgradere dem mye raskere! Hvis du vil, kan du også bruke gullgryter for å fremme produksjonene dine umiddelbart med 2, 4 eller 8 timer. Dette er en rask måte å produsere flere kløver på hvis du trenger dem.
For å hjelpe deg med å komme godt i gang kan du også lese vår Getting started guide
But micromanaging these factories isn't all you can do. Paddy has a suggestion to make your life so much easier! He'll introduce you to some fine young folk who, for a fee, will manage your factories. Click on the top hat () to hire a manager for Pots of Gold. Hiring a manager not only gives you the opportunity to improve your factories output, but also automates the production of goods, meaning you don't have to click on your factory anymore! You can also hire a Festival Manager, to automatically manage the festival on your behalf, and a Shipyard Manager, to automate the shipment of goods to the festival.
The festival
The festival is where you sell all your goods and gets shamrocks in return. The festival is across the river from the factories, so it is necessary to transport the goods across the river by boat. Once across the goods will be stored until you or your manager can sell them. |
The Shipyard
The Shipyard is where you maintain and expand your Ferry. This costs shamrocks . The more you upgrade your ferry, the more goods it can transport across the river and the faster it sails. |
Goods buildings
There are five different goods buildings. Each produces different amounts of festival goods. The Hat factory is available immediately when the event starts, and the other four can be unlocked by spending shamrocks .
When a building becomes available it will be at level 1. You can use shamrocks to increase the production in your buildings. While every single level will increase the production of your building, reaching certain tiers will unlock production multipliers.
Levels | Multiplier |
1-10 | 1 |
11-25 | 2 |
26-50 | 4 |
51-100 | 8 |
101-200 | 16 |
201-300 | 32 |
Building | Description | Cost to unlock. |
Hat factory. | Free | |
Flower factory. | 1.1K | |
Cake factory. | 1.2M | |
Drinks factory. | 1.5B | |
Fireworks factory | 111B |
Click on the top hat to hire a manager for Pots of Gold. Hiring a manager automates the productions of goods, meaning you don't have to click on your factory anymore. And not only that, it will also improve the factory's output even further! Hire a Festival Manager to automatically manage the festival on your behalf, and a Shipyard Manager, to automate the shipment of goods to the festival.
Levels | Festival Manager | Shipyard Manager | Hat factory Manager | Flower factory Manager | Cake factory Manager | Drink factory Manager | Fireworks factory Manager |
Level 1 | 20 | 20 | 10 | 20 | 30 | 40 | 50 |
Level 2 | 40 | 40 | 20 | 40 | 60 | 80 | 100 |
Level 3 | 80 | 80 | 30 | 60 | 90 | 120 | 150 |
Level 4 | 150 | 150 | 50 | 100 | 150 | 200 | 250 |
Level 5 | 300 | 300 | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 |
Next Town
Now this is all great, but what's in it for you? As you'll see, along the top of the event window, there are a list of three tasks. Completing a task will prompt you to collect the task, which will contribute progress towards your Grand Prize. Collect 25 tasks to earn the Grand Prize reward! If you're not sure what you need to do for a task, click on the arrow on the right side of the list for a full overview. Once you complete a task, click to collect it, and it will be replaced with a new task, allowing you to work towards more Grand Prize progress.
Please note that you don't necessarily need to collect all tasks in order to proceed and unlock a new town. As soon as you gather 8.4 quadrillions of Shamrock, you can click in "continue" to advance and still keep your grand prize progress (in other words, the task progress). Once you've selected your stage prizes, the town progress will be reset and this gives you the chance to start the production over, and earn yourself even more Grand Prizes.
This button will light up as soon as you have 8.4Q Shamrocks
Eventually, however, Paddy won't have any more tasks for you to complete. Once you reach this point, click on the 'Next Stage' button in the bottom right to be presented with some end of stage reward boxes. With the Luck of the Irish, snag yourself some fantastic prizes from each box. You can open one container for free, and more containers for Pots of Gold. These costs will increase gradually the more boxes you open using Pots of Gold. Once you've collected all 6, you'll earn the collection reward at the top bar, and if you want, you can open a new set of 6 reward boxes before advancing to the next town.
The table below details the cost of opening reward boxes from the end of stage collection screen. The costs continue to scale with each new set of 6 reward boxes.
Reward Box | First | Second | Third |
Reward Box 1 | Free | 50 | 100 |
Reward Box 2 | 50 | 100 | 250 |
Reward Box 3 | 100 | 250 | 500 |
Reward Box 4 | 250 | 500 | 1000 |
Reward Box 5 | 500 | 1000 | 2000 |
Reward Box 6 | 1000 | 2000 | 4000 |
Druid Temple
The main Grand Prize reward for the St. Patrick's Day event is the brand new Druid Temple upgradable building. This gorgeous 5x4 upgradable building has 10 levels, and once you upgrade yours to its maximum level, the Druid Temple will provide you with defense boost for attacking army, random goods and a generous additional random production, besides population and coins on top of that.
On level 10, this building provides up to: |
See all levels and the building stats for the Druid Temple here
St. Patrick's Day Event Avatars
Lastly, as always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining one of the two themed portraits.