Halloween Event 2021

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Sideversjon per 28. okt. 2021 kl. 06:10 av Mico (diskusjon | bidrag)
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Knask eller knep? Før du svarer, må vi innse at i år har vi massevis av begge deler på lager! Utforsk det tåkete messeområdet for å vinne premier, stearinlys, lys og lykter.

"Besøkende! Velkommen til det mest spektakulære stedet på jorden! Jeg er ringmesteren og du, min gjest, får en stor overraskelse.
Kom denne veien…"

Halloween Oppdragslinje

I årets Halloween-arrangement vil din oppdragsgiver være Ringmasteren. Han vil vise deg rundt attraksjonene og invitere deg til å bli med ham på en tur på hans tåkete messeområde. Denne Halloween-oppdragslinjen vil gi deg 30 rush-oppdrag, og deretter 21 ekstra oppdrag, med ett som vises hver dag.


Boo achievement.png

Årets Halloween-sesong lar deg utforske et mørkt og skremmende tivolitelt. For å avdekke dette teltet, må du bytte ut messebilletter mot spesialverktøy for å fjerne tåken som skjuler veien din og hente noen sjeldne skatter.

Tivoli teltet

Når du åpner arrangementsvinduet, vil du se det tåkete teltet fylt med tåke og kasser. Gå gjennom den, rens tåken med de tilgjengelige verktøyene: Et stearinlys, en lommelykt og en lykt.

Halloween Window.png

Bruk stearinlyset til å fjerne en enkel tåkeflis om gangen. En lommelykt kan brukes på en tom flis for å rydde en hel kolonne med mindre det er en kasse i veien. En lykt fjerner alle omkringliggende fliser, men kan i likhet med lommelykten ikke rydde kasser, så bruk flisene dine med omhu!


Ved å fullføre arrangementsoppdrag, vil du bli belønnet med billetter som du kan bruke til å bytte i arrangementets verktøy butikk, for å få ulike verktøy som hjelper deg med å rydde vekk tåken og finne premier gjemt under. Bruk dem med omhu, ettersom hvert verktøy har et spesifikt effektområde som hjelper deg å komme deg gjennom teltet, hvor du finner skjulte gresskar som inneholder belønninger av forskjellige verdier (inkludert en sjanse til å vinne den daglige spesialen), også som ettertraktede lyspærer (samle nok av dem til å oppnå den verdifulle hovedpremien). Se opp for sirkuskasser i tåken, da de vil blokkere veien i teltet.


Du kan også finne billetter i vanlige hendelser/bygaver rundt eller i utkanten av byen din.

Getting more tools

You can find more tools in the tent itself, but there is also a way to exchange your tickets for more tools. Press the Link=-Button to open the Tool Shop. Here, you can either purchase single tools for your tickets or buy bundles that give you a better deal!


Toys Collection

With the introduction from last years event, you can once again collect multiple short questlines (creepy fairground toys) as rewards in the tent (there are an addition to the main questline), and at the end of each questline, a special reward should be granted to you. This also means that you'll be able to potentially work on multiple quests simultaneously.

Boo achievement.png

These toys can be found while advancing through the misty tent, and whenever you collect one of them, it will be available to activate in your Toy Collection window, which can be accessed in the main event window. You can activate simultaneously as many questlines you want, as long as they're not the same! When you finish one, a check-mark is shown next to that toy. You can find and collect more than one of each toy, and their chances of appearance may vary depending on their rareness.


Once every toy is found and solved, you can obtain a valuable Collector's Reward by clicking in the collect button on the right side of the reward.


Many different rewards await you on your way through the fairground tent, but they are hidden under the fog. To see them, you will need to clear it away. If they're still covered, you won't be able to see if the fog hides rewards.
As you uncover tiles, you will get the chance to unveil a Pumpkin, more tools (Flashlight, Candle and Lantern) to aid your progress, Avatars, Light bulbs, or Teddy bears. Hover your mouse over Pumpkins to find out what is on offer in each one. Once you've uncovered a reward fully, click on it to claim your prize. Be careful! Make sure you don't advance deeper into the fairground tent without uncovering the rewards you want. Once you go too far, there is no going back, and you'll lose sight of the reward.

Halloween icon grand prize.png Light bulbs are a special prize to uncover that will bring you closer to the Grand Prize reward. Once you reach 20 Light bulbs, you will receive the Grand Prize which is displayed at the top of the event window.
Halloween icon tool 1.pngHalloween icon tool 2.pngHalloween icon tool 3.png Tools can also be found under the fog. You can find all the tools of the event!
Reward icon halloween pumpkin 9.png Pumpkins come in a variety of different styles. Once uncovered, they will have a random reward for you and provide the chance to win the Daily Special. Tapping the pumpkin or hovering the mouse over it also reveals what it may contain.
Reward icon halloween avatar frame.png Avatars are available from previous Halloween Events and can also be uncovered on your journey.
Halloween icon books.png Teddy bears can also be revealed and collected, providing you with mini quests to complete. Solve one of every teddy bears questline to receive the collectors Reward.

Finally, there is one further thing you should always be on the lookout for - Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to this year's event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!

Boo achievement.png

Halloween Event Rewards

The Horror Circus Set

Hovedpremien i Halloween-arrangementet 2021 er ikke én, men fem forskjellige unike begivenhetsbygninger! Hver av disse Skrekkens sirkus-bygningene kan oppgraderes til to nivåer, ha en grunnbonus, samt forskjellige koblingsbonuser som en del av et sett (med forskjellige bonuser som tilbys etter hvert som du kobler til flere bygninger i settet). Derfor kan de individuelt være skadelig, men som et sett, positivt dødelige!

HALLOWEEN B Loading Screen 1.jpg

Terror Tekopp (2x3)

Lv. 1

Terror Tekopp oppgraderingssett Terror Tekopp (2x3)

Lv. 2

A SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit terror teacups.png
A SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0 Without other set buildingsHappiness
1 With 1 other set buildings 4%

2 With 2 other set building 3%

3 With 3 other set building 3%

0 Without other set buildingsHappiness
1 With 1 other set buildings 8%

2 With 2 other set building 6%

3 With 3 other set building 6%

Mystisk orgel (3x1)

Lv. 1

Mystisk orgel oppgradzringssett Mystisk orgel (3x1)

Lv. 2

D SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit mystical organ.png
D SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0 Without other set buildingsHappiness
1 With 1 other set buildings 4%

2 With 2 other set building 1%

3 With 3 other set building 2%

0 Without other set buildingsHappiness
1 With 1 other set buildings 8%

2 With 2 other set building 4%

3 With 3 other set building 5%

Helter Skelter (3x3) - Lv. 1 Helter Skelter oppgradzringssett Helter Skelter (3x3) - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21a-e8a801796.png
Upgrade kit helter skelter.png
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21b.png
0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings

2 With 2 other set building 1

3 With 3 other set building 3

4 With 4 other set building 4

0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings

2 With 2 other set building 2

3 With 3 other set building 6

4 With 4 other set building 8

Klovne byen (5x2) - Lv. 1 Klovne byen oppgradzringssett Klovne byen (5x2) - Lv. 2
R SS MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21c.png
Upgrade kit clown town.png
R ANIM MultiAge HalloweenBonusSet21d-2.png
0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 1

2 With 2 other set building 5

0Without other set buildings neg. Happiness

1 With 1 other set buildings 2

2 With 2 other set building 15

Dødshjulet (2x1) - Lv. 1 Dødshjulet oppgraderingssett Dødshjulet (2x1) - Lv. 2
L SS AllAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
Upgrade kit wheel of death.png
L SS AllAge HalloweenBonusSet21a.png
0 Without other set buildings Medals

1 With 1 other set buildingsMedals
2 With 2 other set building 1 Forge Points

0 Without other set buildings Medals

1 With 1 other set buildingsMedals
2 With 2 other set building 3 Forge Points

Oppgradering av Skrekkens sirkus settet

For å bringe en av Skrekkens sirkus bygningene til neste nivå, trenger du det unike oppgraderingssettet for hver bygning ovenfor. Alternativt kan du også bruke Skrekkens sirkus valgsett for å oppgradere hvilken som helst av bygningene.

Skrekkens sirkus valgsett

Hvis du bruker Skrekkens sirkus valgsett, åpnes et vindu som lar deg enten oppgradere en av dine eksisterende bygninger til Level 2 eller bygge en ny på Level 1

Selection kit horror circus.png

Velg "Bygg" og du kan plassere bygningen direkte i byen din. Velg "Oppgrader" og du kan oppgradere en eksisterende nivå 1-bygning i byen din.

Halloween Event Avatars

That is not all! Within the Daily Specials you can win event buildings from the previous event including - The House of Horrors, and The Abandoned Asylum Lastly, as always, you'll get to show off your progress to your friends and neighbors, by obtaining the following reward Avatars within the event. Two can be earned in the Quest line, one for completing the Reward Calendar, and the final for completing the Toy Quest lines!

Portrait 385.png
Portrait 386.png
Portrait 467.png
Portrait 468.png

Reward Calendar

It is also important to always be on the lookout for Daily Stickers. These can be spent in the Reward Calendar, which is completely new to the 2021 Halloween event! Each sticker is unique, and will open one of the 21 slots within the Calendar! Each one opening a unique reward!

Halloween sticker 1.png Halloween sticker 2.png Halloween sticker 3.png Halloween sticker 4.png Halloween sticker 6.png Halloween sticker 7.png Halloween sticker 8.png Halloween sticker 9.png Halloween sticker 10.png Halloween sticker 11.png
Reward Calendar screenshot.png

You are probably wondering what happens if you miss a day? While there are plenty of things to be afraid of within the Halloween event, missing a daily slot within the Reward Calendar is not one!

Joker Sticker Pieces can always be found throughout the event, as well as won in Daily Challenges. Once you have enough of them, you can piece them together, to make a full sticker and open a slot that was previously missed.

Image2021-8-4 11-2-26.png
Image2021-8-3 12-36-18.png

These are key, as you will definitely not want to miss out on the reward for completing the Calendar! Within, are two selection kits, a unique avatar, and a host of other items!

Halloween sticker 12.png Halloween sticker 13.png Halloween sticker 14.png Halloween sticker 15.png Halloween sticker 16.png Halloween sticker 17.png Halloween sticker 18.png Halloween sticker 19.png Halloween sticker 20.png Halloween sticker 21.png
Boo achievement.png

Event Hub Addition - Hellish Hangout

If you successfully complete the quests within the event, then you will be rewarded with the 'Hellish Hang-out.' Be assured, your enemies will be terrified of the 4-day 20% attacking boost for your defensive armies!

V SS AllAge EventHub21AdditionE.png

Happy Haunting!