Sommerevent 2024

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Ohoi, kamerater og skøyere! Skalk lukene, heis Jolly Roger og sett seil for et eventyr på åpent hav når sommereventet vender tilbake med en ny vri i 2024!!


Velkommen til sommereventen 2024! Gjør deg klar til å legge til kai igjen på vårt hemmelige piratgjemmested dypt inne i Karibia, der du kan bruke dine gylne dubloner på å vinne en mengde premier! Kast terningen, og høst belønninger som vil gjøre deg til en snakkis på de syv hav i årene som kommer!

Hvordan fungerer sommereventen?


For å starte moroa må du samle Dubloner fra oppdrag og hendelser som dukker opp i byen din. Disse dyrebare Dublonene er nøkkelen til å snu brikker på det mystiske shugflebrettet som ligger foran deg.

Hver skattefylte brikke koster 10 dubloner å avsløre. Men frykt ikke, for hver brikke du snur, gir deg også automatisk et kast med sjetongene. Tre chips vil bli kastet totalt, og når chipsene faller med hodet opp, kan du prise deg lykkelig, for de vil gi deg fremgang mot den mest ettertraktede skatten av dem alle: hovedpremien!

Image-2023-4-10 17-28-30.png


I år avduker vi en skinnende ny skatt: Superbrettet! Samle Gylne drager fra et vanlig Shufflebrett tre ganger for å avdekke et Superbrett!

Reward icon pirate superboard key.png

Disse turboladede plankene har ingen shuffle, men i stedet TO Vis to - og Dobbel utbetaling-brikker samt to daglige spesialer, sammen med forbedrede belønninger og raskere fremgang til hovedpremien! Dere setter seil med én økning hver, og deretter kan dere ta sikte på Rivalutfordringen for å få tak i flere ækninger!



Pirate icon booster cannon.png
Ødelegger brikker på brettet som inneholder fyllbelønninger eller en blanding.

Spesialbrikker som vis to, dobbel utbetaling, daglig spesial, kalendernøkkel eller den gylne dragen kan ikke ødelegges. Men vær oppmerksom! Ødelagte brikker gir deg ingen belønning, men det øker sjansen for å finne noe mer verdifullt senere.

Pirate icon booster treasure.png
Den neste flisen du åpner koster ingen dubloner og dobler belønningen for den neste flisen du åpner.

I tillegg vil den avsløre ytterligere to brikker på brettet. Du kan kombinere dusørforsterkeren med andre spesialbrikker på brettet, så sørg for å bruke den med omhu for å få mange skatter!

Pirate icon booster spyglass.png
Avslører eventuelle spesialbrikker som blanding, vis to og dobbel utbetaling som ligger på brettet.
Du kan enten bruke den til å unngå å stokke, hvis du vil bli ferdig med brettet raskt, eller du kan bruke de andre spesialbrikkene på en smart måte for å få mest mulig ut av dette brettet.

Tips og triks

Gjør bruk av nye økninger!

Alle disse nye økningene er tilgjengelige i Rival Event, så ikke vent med å fullføre så mange Rival Event-oppdrag som mulig når de dukker opp!
Want to maximize your moves? Activate the Spyglass Booster. This booster will unmask all the Shuffle, x2 and Show Two tiles on your current board. With this booster you can choose which order you use these tiles to maximize your prizes! For an extra powerful boost, use this on a Super Board!
No Doubloons left? No problem! Use the Bounty Amplifier booster to uncover a tile for free. This tile will also be doubled AND you'll also reveal two hidden tiles on the board.

Too many tiles, too little time? Break out the Cannon Ball booster! Destroy a random tile containing a filler reward or Shuffle.

Pirate icon booster cannon.png

Remember the Daily Challenges

Daily Challenges are a part of this Event as well. Every day you have the option to choose the Event chest, providing Doubloons. Completing the challenges might give you the extra edge you needed.

Incidents are important too Not only Daily Challenges provide a reward for the Event, Incidents in and around your city do the same. They have a chance to provide you with some extra Doubloons to flip more tiles!

Consider the Calendar Are you determined to win the ​final Calendar reward? Remember that once ​you have ​won the Turquoise Key for today's date, after this you only win Key Parts! It is much more cost effective to win the whole key than to assemble key parts for missed days, so try to win one key a day to maximize your chances of winning the Calendar Chest!

The Treasure Maps

Keep a weather eye open, for among the tiles on the shuffle board lies a prize most coveted: Treasure Maps! You can get them on the following rewards: Shuffle, the x2 and the Reveal. You can easily identify them since there will be an additional Treasure Map icon on those rewards, as you can see from the screenshot down below.

Image-2023-4-11 14-21-19.png

Each Treasure Map leads to a bonus prize. Choose between two tantalizing options to add that prize to your hoard.


At any moment, or when your pile of Treasure Maps is full, you can dig up that buried treasure using diamonds to collect the rewards. To get the best deal, wait until you will have collected the max amount of Treasure Maps before claiming your rewards!

Find yourself torn between these two rewards? You can pay the diamond fee to claim both! And should the wind not blow in your favour with your prize options, you can use the swap to re-roll each one of them.

The Sailmaker’s Workshop

With Treasure Maps you can also win a Sailmaker's Workshop offering a boost not only to yer armies, but the chance to keep building up the Grand Prize by collecting fragments! Level it up to a max of 4 levels for the biggest boost possible!

Sailmaker’s Workshop - Lv. 1 (2x2) Sailmaker’s Workshop - Lv. 2 (2x2) Sailmaker’s Studio (2x2) Sailmaker’s Atelier (2x2)
Sailmakers Workshop1.png SailmakerWorkshop 2.png SailmakerStudio.png SailmakerAtelier.png

The Daily Calendar

Every day contains a new reward! Uncover all the daily prizes in the Summer Calendar for extra loot from the Aztec Chest. Win the Turquoise Key each day to unlock the day's Calendar window. Once ye have won a full key, ye'll collect Turquoise Key Parts instead, which ye can assemble to unlock missed days! If fortune favors ye with double keys from the x2, ye'll earn a bonus Turquoise Key Part.


In the chest you can also get a new unique reward: Captain Bao's Warehouse! This 3x4 building is a calendar exclusive reward.

Captain Bao's Warehouse 3x4

The Leagues

What self respectin' pirate doesn't like to toss chips with their peers? With the League you can measure progress against yer fellow buccaneers and win extra swag the higher you place!

This years exclusive Gold League reward is the The Jade Booty Bar

The Jade Booty Bar

Summer Event Rewards

The Dragon’s Breath

Feast yer eyes on a ship to put fear in the hearts of yer enemies! Win this beauty and much more in the pirating event of the season!

The Dragon’s Breath
Reward icon upgrade kit SUM24A-eeb578351.png A Level 1 The Dragon’s Breath can be found as the first grand prize reward of the questline and can then be upgraded using Dragon’s Breath Upgrade Kits.
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 1
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 2
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 3
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 4
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 5
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 6
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 7
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 8
Dragon’s Breath - Lv. 9

Silver Dragon’s Breath Crimson Dragon’s Breath
Link= Use the Silver Upgrade Kit to upgrade your Dragon’s Breath to the Silver Dragon’s Breath. Link= Use the Golden Upgrade Kit to upgrade the Silver Dragon’s Breath to the Crimson Dragon’s Breath.


The Golden Dragon Gong

Available from:

  • The Calendar Chest
  • The League rewards
  • The Gold Pass

Golden Dragon Gong - Lv. 1 (1x1) Golden Dragon Gong - Lv. 2 (1x1) Ascended Golden Dragon Gong (1x1)

Zheng's Golden Bell

Available from:

  • The Calendar Chest
  • The League rewards
  • The Silver Pass

Zheng's Golden Bell - Lv. 1 (1x1) Zheng's Golden Bell - Lv. 2 (1x1) Ascended Zheng's Golden Bell (1x1)


Finally, no new event would be perfect without new avatars!

Adrie Adrian Castillo Thomas Kay Marie Miguel Zheng Yi Sao Captain Bao
Avatar1.png Avatar2.png Castillo.png Thomas.png Kay.png Marie24.png Miguel.png ZhengYiSao.png Bao.png

Quest reward

Quest reward

League reward

Calendar reward

Pass Event reward

Silver pass reward

Silver pass reward

Gold Pass reward

Gold Pass reward