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Enhver person som ønsker å skape et imperium må sloss. I Forge of Empires spiller militære taktikker en viktig rolle. Du kan bruke dine enheter til å angripe andre spillere eller ta over provinser på Felttogkartet. For å gå inn i kamp behøver du enheter, og du får dette ved hjelp av militære bygninger. I hærledelsen din kan du administrere enhetene dine og velge om de skal brukes til å angripe dine fiender eller forsvare din by.


Vinduet for hærledelse er en effektiv måte å lede dine enheter. Du kan markere enheter for å forsvare din by, og de samme enhetene kan også bli brukt i angrep. Enhetene markert i blått er i din forsvarende hær, og de forsvarer derfor din by. Du bør alltid prøve å plasere så mange tropper som mulig i din hær. Motspillere må beseire disse når de angriper deg. Men frykt ikke: selv om din motstander måtte vinne, vil alle de forsvarende enhetene bli helbredet og umiddelbar komme tilbake med full styrke etter alle slag hvor de forsvarer din by.


Om du måtte ønske å angripe en annen spiller eller en fiende på Kontinentkartet, kan du velge enhetene i din angripende hær før slaget begynner. Disse kan godt være de samme enhetene som befinner seg i din forsvarende hær. Merk dog at enhetene ikke er beskyttet når du angriper, og kan derfor bli ødelagt eller skadet... så vær forsiktig!

Forskjellige typer enheter

I hver tidsalder er det fem forskjellige militærbygninger som produserer de ulike enhetene til den tidalderen. Enhetene varierer i type: raske enheter, lette og tunge kampenheter samt enheter med kort og lang rekkevidde.

  • Raske enheter kan bevege seg langt, men de kan ikke gi stor skade. De er gode til å ta ut langdistanseenheter.
  • De lette kampenhetene er gode til å omringe fienden din: de er raske, gir stor skade og tåler mye. De er best til å avskjære fiendtlig kavaleri.
  • De tunge kampenhetene er trege og tungt rustet. De er formidable motstandere når det er snakk om nærkamp; der slår de alle andre enheter.
  • Kortdistanseenheter er raske og kan angripe fra avstand, samtidig som angrepet deres gir merkbare resultater. Legg merke til at de kan ikke forsvare seg selv, og er et lett bytte for alle enheter som klarer å angripe de i nærkamp.
  • Langdistanseenhetene er fortapt i nærkamp. De er veldig trege og gir ikke mye skade. Deres store fordel er at de nesten kan nå hele slagmarken med deres angrep og derfor kan angripe de fleste enheter på slagmarken.

Bevegelse og angrep


The battle is fought in rounds. Basically, each unit moves and attacks once per round. They move according to their movement points, but each type of terrain will cost a differing amount. Directly after movement, if there is an opponent within their reach, the units can attack. Melee and fast units have to attack into an adjacent field, while ranged units can shoot at an enemy within their range.

There is no retaliation to fear from ranged attacks; however, in close-ranged battle, attacked fast and melee units can defend themselves. It works like this: First, the attacker does its damage, then the one being attacked hits back. However, there is only one counter-attack per round: even the strongest unit can be defeated by a swarm of enemies this way.


Each unit has a maximum of ten life points. The amount of damage points an attack deals is calculated using the current life points and the attack value of the attacker, the defense value of the attacked, modifiers for terrain, other bonuses (some units get bonuses if they fight against units of a particular type) and a random factor. Thus, a unit with a high attack rating deals more damage, and an uninjured unit inflicts more than a wounded one. On the other hand, high defense means good armor – the unit takes less damage. If a unit loses all its life points, it is destroyed.


On the battle map, there are different types of terrain. Forest, bushes, rocks, small hills, plains and swamps are some of them. Terrain has two different effects in the game: Firstly, it affects movement. Water areas are impassable, and other types of terrain costs extra movement points when they are crossed. On the other hand, terrain can give battle bonuses: light melee units get defense bonuses in bushes and forests, heavy melee units are better protected in plains, long-range units receive an attack bonus when they shoot from hills, whereas those with short range attacks deal more damage standing on rocks. Only fast units do not receive benefits through the terrain.


Military Boosts

The stats of units might get further influenced by a percentile boost. While on some provinces of the Continent map all enemy units in it gain a percentage bonus to their attack and defense stats (easily seen in the sector view as small shield icons on top of the unit images), there are two different buffs that can affect the armies of the players, both of which are accumulated from certain buildings like a few of the Great Buildings:

  • Fierce resistance: All units in the defending army of this player get a bonus to both their attack and defense stats, which means they take less damage and deal more.
  • Military boost: All units in the attacking army of this player get a bonus to both their attack and the defense stats, which means they take less damage and deal more.
  • Defense bonus: All units in the defending army of this player get a bonus to only their defense stat, which means they take less damage.
  • Attack bonus: All units in the attacking army of this player get a bonus to only their attack stat, which means they deal more damage.

Unike ferdigheter

There are some units in the game that add a further layer of tactical options to the players by featuring special skills. Right now the following skills are in the game:


This skill is only found on units with ranged attacks. A unit with blast deals more damage for every field it is closer to its target.

Hides in (terrain)

A unit with this skill can only be attacked from adjacent fields, as long as it stays in the specified terrain.

Secret Identity

A unit with this skill completely ignores the first attack it takes. Instead, it transforms into an undamaged copy of another unit of your army, that does not have secret identity. If no such unit is left, the attacked unit gets removed from battle instead.


The skill is used by the High Middle Age Knights and Late Middle Age Heavy Knights (with Chivalry values of 3 and 5 respectively). The skill increases attack and defense when this is the only unit with chivalry in the army.

Last Stand

A unit with this skill gains attack and defense bonus for every unit with Last Stand that has been killed in the same battle.

Dug in

Units with this skill gains defense bonus if the attacker is a certain amount of fields away. The distance varies upon the unit.

Rapid deployment

Units with this skill start the battle in a random location towards the center of the map and act before any other unit.


Units with this skill cannot be attacked by artillery units and ignore terrain costs while moving.

Reactive armor

Units with this skill cannot take more than a certain amount of damage per attack

Power shot

Ignores defensive skills (like flying) and terrain

Close quarters

This unity gets an attack bonus when attacking units in an adjacent field


Is the battle over and your units have been damaged? No problem – they heal automatically over time, one life point at a time. Units that were destroyed in battle do not heal. Their corresponding slot in military building is freed again and you can recruit a new unit there.



ou also have a possibility to heal your units in your Army Management screen using Diamonds.

You have a chance to resurrect a fallen unit right after a battle, using Diamonds. It can be worthwhile, especially if you've lost "unattached" units that are not from slots in military buildings but obtained through quests or events - a unit that you can't replace otherwise.