Guild Ranking: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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Esta pestaña, muestra el ranking de gremios, el cual está en función del prestigio. Y este es calculado mediante la suma de:
Guild's ranking is based on prestige, which is calculated from the level of a guild and the daily power.

            El poder que generan todos los sectores que están en su posesión a la hora del recuento diario, más los salones de la fama que ya hayan sido recolectados o saqueados.
When a guild conquers a sector on GvG and keeps it until the daily calculation, it will produce a certain amount of power. This power is taken in count on the guild's ranking for each age. The more power, the better, and those guilds on the top 3 will get an extra bonus:
            El prestigio otorgado por el nivel actual del gremio.


Expliquemos un poco como se obtiene esto.
To be on the top 3 you will need to conquer and keep many sectors, but remember, Forge of Empires has many Ages and the total power will be the sum of all maps. This power is usefull to:

Un gremio, cuando conquista un sector en el mapa de GvG y lo conserva a la hora del recuento diario, este le dará una cantidad de puntos de poder. Este poder es tomado en cuenta a la hora de establecer el ranking de gremios para cada edad. Cuanto más poder tengas mejor y si estas entre los 3 primeros recibirás un plus.
*Increase the level of your guild
*Count the total prestige of your guild

So, to improve your guild's ranking, you will need to increase its level (accumulating power) and dominate as much sectors as possible in all GvG maps.
Besides, you will also able to see aditional information from each guild on the ranking, for example: current level, number of members, and the number of days it has been Top 1.

Siste sideversjon per 16. jul. 2016 kl. 00:20

Guild's ranking is based on prestige, which is calculated from the level of a guild and the daily power.

When a guild conquers a sector on GvG and keeps it until the daily calculation, it will produce a certain amount of power. This power is taken in count on the guild's ranking for each age. The more power, the better, and those guilds on the top 3 will get an extra bonus:


To be on the top 3 you will need to conquer and keep many sectors, but remember, Forge of Empires has many Ages and the total power will be the sum of all maps. This power is usefull to:

  • Increase the level of your guild
  • Count the total prestige of your guild

So, to improve your guild's ranking, you will need to increase its level (accumulating power) and dominate as much sectors as possible in all GvG maps.

Besides, you will also able to see aditional information from each guild on the ranking, for example: current level, number of members, and the number of days it has been Top 1.
