PvP Arena: Forskjell mellom sideversjoner

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Forsikre deg om at du velger minst 1 og opptil 8 enheter før du går videre til neste trinn. Når den forsvarende hæren din er satt, åpnes PvP-hovedvinduet.
Forsikre deg om at du velger minst 1 og opptil 8 enheter før du går videre til neste trinn. Når den forsvarende hæren din er satt, åpnes PvP-hovedvinduet.

=== PvP Main Window ===
=== PvP-hovedvindu ===
When you open the PvP main window you will see two tabs: Battle and Ranking.

Når du åpner PvP-hovedvinduet, ser du to faner: Kamp og Rangering.

===Battles Tab ===
===Battles Tab ===

Sideversjonen fra 8. jun. 2021 kl. 05:57


PvP Arena er en kampfunksjon for alle spillere på en server, hvor man kan konkurrere og å kjempe mot andre spillere på samme server på en ukentlig og månedlig basis. Den ble opprettet for å gi en mer meningsfull og konkurransedyktig opplevelse for våre PvP-spillere. Den inkluderer en helt ny bygning i utkanten av byen, og et nytt vindu med eksklusiv informasjon om den nye PvP-funksjonaliteten. I tillegg har PvP Arena også belønninger, egne kamplogger og et dedikert rangeringsvindu.

Kom i gang

Når du begynner å spille, vises PvP Arena-bygningen som en ruin utenfor byen din. Ved å forske på Age icon.png 'leiesoldater' teknologien i teknologitreet (tilgjengelig i tidlig middelalder) vil bygningen være ferdig og du vil bli omdirigert til PvP Arena sin infoskjerm, som vil presentere grunnleggende informasjon om den nye funksjonen. Når du lukker den, vil du kunne få tilgang til PvP Arena gjennom inngangspunktet i den nye bygningen vår.

Inn og ut av PvP Arena

For å gå inn i PvP Arena må du først sette din PvP forsvarende hær. For å forlate må du fjerne den. Du kan bare delta i PvP Arena-kamper mens du har satt din forsvarende hær.

PvP Arena - Før du har forsket på "leiesoldater" PvP Arena - Etter du har forsket på "mercenaries"

Når du åpner det nye vinduet for første gang, må du sette opp den forsvarende hæren din.

Administrere din forsvarende hær

Sette opp en forsvarende hær (mobil)

Når du spiller på mobilversjon, trykk på enheten du vil legge til i den forsvarende hæren din En ny popup vises. Trykk på den andre knappen med et skjold Legg merke til at PvP Arenas forsvarende hær vises i gult. I tillegg er det en liten tårnlogo nederst til høyre på enhetsikonet.

PvP Arena - Defending Army Setup.png

Sette opp en forsvarende hær (nettleser)

For nettleserversjonen trenger du bare å klikke på det gule hjelmikonet på venstre side og velge alle enhetene du vil tildele som forsvarende hær.

AM Browser.PNG

Forsikre deg om at du velger minst 1 og opptil 8 enheter før du går videre til neste trinn. Når den forsvarende hæren din er satt, åpnes PvP-hovedvinduet.


Når du åpner PvP-hovedvinduet, ser du to faner: Kamp og Rangering.

Battles Tab

Each fight costs one Attempt.

In the Battle tab, you can see a list of opponents, subdivided into four columns:
The first column, Level, represents the level of difficulty of your opponents, ranging from 1 to 3 stars. Greenflag.png Green flags with one star represent easy battles, while BlueFlag.png blue ones with two stars would be of a medium level, and finally, the Redflag.png red ones with three stars are the most challenging opponents.

PvP Arena - Level.png

The second column, Opponent, shows your possible targets, presenting information such as their current eras, as well as attack and defense bonuses for their defending units.

PvP Arena - Bonuses.png

The third column, Points, will show how many ranking points you will receive upon beating this opponent. Remember that the more difficult the challenge, the higher is the amount of CombatPoints.png Combat Points at stake. In other words, you gain CP and may potentially rank up when winning, or you can also lose CP and rank down. That said, make sure to choose your opponents wisely.

PvP Arena - Fight.png

Finally, the last column, Attack, offers you three buttons to battle any chosen opponent. Battling them will consume your PvP - AtemptsCoin.png attempts, which appear at the top of your screen.

PvP Arena - Bonuses.png
In case the game cannot find an opponent of your level, we will provide you with lower level opponents or even NPCs for you to battle

When hitting the attempt button to fight your opponent, you have two options (just like any other battle system): Auto Battle and Attack! Please be aware that the PvP Arena does not offer negotiation options.


Battling them will consume your attempts, which will appear at the top of your screen. Altogether you have 5 attempts, and after each battle, it's necessary to wait 2 hours until an additional attempt is renewed.

Nevertheless, by clicking in the + button, it is possible to purchase additional attempts with medals or premium currency. Be aware that the prices of additional attempts bought with medals, depends on you age and will increase by 20% every time you purchase a new attempt. The price will be reset to the original starting value every monday when a new battle week starts

Army Management

PvP Arena - Info.png

On the right side of the Battle tab as shown above, you can see your armies' boosts, you can set your Defending Army, you can find the Log which shows you information about your former fights and opponents and last but not least, there is the Reward progress, which shows your current Combat Points and the reward for reaching the next milestone.
By pressing the Defending Army Button, you will be redirected to the army management screen, similar to your main city's one, where you can define your Defending Units.

PvP - BattleOpponent.png

Most boosts from your Great Buildings and your Main City apply to your PvP Arena armies, including Tavern Boosts but shields for the city doesn't count. You can define your PvP Arena defending army when you first enter the Arena, which can not be used as attacking at the same time and these units will not be available in your main city any more. If your units get defeated while defending in PvP Arena you will not lose them, but they will immediately heal.

While you can see your opponent's strength you will not be able to see his units and they will appear as question marks when attacking.

Attacking vs Defending

Attacking is an active action while defending is a passive one. Attempts and Units are not lost while defending, but you can still gain or lose Combat Points (CombatPoints.png CP) as a defender, and If you end up a Weekly Arena with less CP than when you have entered, your CP will be reset to the entry amount when the league is over. Please be aware that attacking someone will automatically shuffle your list of available opponents, no matter if the battle was won or lost.

Besides that, there's no manual battle mode, which means that both attacking and defending actions are fought through auto-battles, with the units you select for attacking and defending.

The PvP Arena will also enable your Great Buildings passive skills (Icon great building bonus advanced tactics.png Advanced Tactics, Icon great building bonus fierce resistance.png Fierce Resistance, Icon great building bonus military.png Military Boost, and Icon great building bonus spoils of war.png Spoils of War), but not the active ones (Icon great building bonus critical hit chance.png Critical Hit, Icon great building bonus first strike.png First Strike and Icon great building bonus missile launch.png Missile Launch).


The upper part will show your Personal Ranking (Seasonal). You can climb up leagues by winning battles (only active ones when attacking another player - defending doesn't count towards your league progress), thus increasing the rewards you'll be receiving as well.

Ranking 1.png

The golden bar shows your position in the Last Season, green checkmarks will display which chests you've already received, and the highlighted league displays the next milestone. Keep in mind that the Seasonal Ranking resets every month on the first day!

The lower part displays your Weekly Rankings and the rewards you can obtain from your Global Ranking. Besides that, now you can also check how are your ranking compared to other players from the same era (Age ranking) and from your Guild (Guild ranking).

Ranking 2.png

Please keep in mind that the Age and Guild Ranking resets, while the Global Ranking Combat Points (CP) decay every Monday.


The "Log" tab will show your results from the last battles (attack and defense), as well as the time the event happened and how many points you earned or lost. With this info, you can have better strategic control over which opponents are worth fighting or simply avoiding, but remember that these logs are reset together with the Weekly Arena every Monday!

PvP - Log.png


There are three different ways to grab a reward on PvP Arena. They are:

  • Personal Rewards - Win battles to reach a higher league (chests will be rewarded upon reaching a new league, and are reset each month).
  • Random Rewards - Upon winning or losing a battle, now there's a chance to receive a random battle reward.
  • Global Rewards - These are related to your Global ranking for the week, and the rewards are handed out every Monday.

The PvP Arena will reset every Monday, when all players will receive their rewards according to their ranking. Players who have been inactive for 2 consecutive weeks, will take their defending units back and will not receive any rewards. They can always join the PvP Arena upon request.

As mentioned above, in the Rankings tab, under your profile you can see the Global Reward button, which will show your position in the current ranking and the PvP - ChestIcon.png rewards you can obtain based on your position.


Please keep in mind that this a weekly ranking, and that all rewards are always given on Mondays. In case you were not an active participant in the previous PvP Arena session, you will not receive any reward. Also, being inactive for two consecutive weeks will automatically kick you from the upcoming PvP session, unless you manually sign up by yourself.

The primary reward is medals. However, there are further reward chests available depending on your ranking.

Great Buildings Boosts

The following Great Buildings will work in the Arena:

Great Building Passive Bonus Active Bonus
X SS VirtualFuture Landmark1.png
Terracotta Army
Icon great building bonus advanced tactics.png Advanced Tactics

Attack and defense bonus for units
in both attacking and defending armies.

X SS ArcticFuture Landmark2.png
Arctic Orangery
Icon great building bonus critical hit chance.png Critical Hit Chance

When a unit attacks
another unit from the same age,
it has a chance of dealing 1.5
times the expected damage.

X SS ColonialAge Landmark2.png
Deal Castle
Icon great building bonus fierce resistance.png Fierce Resistance
Attack and defense bonus for units in defending army,
adds up with every Great Building
that has the same bonus.
X SS LateMiddleAge Landmark1.png
Saint Basil's Cathedral
Icon great building bonus fierce resistance.png Fierce Resistance
Attack and defense bonus for units in defending army,
adds up with every Great Building
that has the same bonus.
X SS OceanicFuture Landmark2.png
The Kraken
Icon great building bonus first strike.png First Strike

Chance to kill one enemy unit
at the start of battles
(for two-wave battles, the chance applies
only to the first wave)

X SS BronzeAge Landmark2.png
Statue of Zeus
Icon great building bonus military.png Military Boost

Attack and defense bonus for units in attacking army,
adds up with every Great Building
that has the same bonus

X SS EarlyMiddleAge Landmark2.png
Cathedral of Aachen
Icon great building bonus military.png Military Boost

Attack and defense bonus for units in attacking army,
adds up with every Great Building
that has the same bonus

X SS LateMiddleAge Landmark3.png
Castel del Monte
Icon great building bonus military.png Military Boost

Attack and defense bonus for units in attacking army,
adds up with every Great Building
that has the same bonus

X SS SpaceAgeMars Landmark2.png
The Virgo Project
Icon great building bonus missile launch.png Missile Launch

For the first number of battles,
there is a chance of killing half
the enemy units at the start of the battle,
for two-wave battles, the skill applies only to the first wave.

X SS VirtualFuture Landmark2.png
Himeji Castle
Icon great building bonus spoils of war.png Spoils of War

Chance of getting random reward when winning battles
(list of possible rewards detailed on the building's page).