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Sideversjon per 29. aug. 2016 kl. 10:24 av Ole (diskusjon | bidrag)
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Velkommen til Forge of Empires! Ta kontroll over et mektig imperium: Bygg din by, led den suksessfullt gjennom tidsaldrene, forsk på nye teknologier, erobre verden og seir over dine motstandere.

Spillets mål

The road to success lies in the wise use of resources – only if you find the right balance between revenue and expenditures can you unlock new technologies, improve your city further and follow the path to fame and glory.


Ages introduction.png

Du starter som lederen til en liten stamme. I løpet av tiden vil du utvikle degselv - du vil utforske nye teknologier, erobre territorier og bygge en liten by til å bli en stor metropolis. Spillet er delt inn i forskjellige tidsaldre. Du starter i Steinalderen, og vil reise gjennom Bronsealderen, Jernalderen, forskjellige faser i Middelalderen, Kolonitiden og Industrialderen. Videre vil du flytte deg inn i litt nyere tidsaldre med Den Progressive Tid, Den Moderne Tid, Post-Moderne tid og Samtiden. Etter det går vi litt inn i Framtiden, og det hele blir mye kaldere med den Arktiske Fremtiden. Du vil nå en ny tidsalder ved å låse opp en teknologi som tilhører den perioden på teknologitreet. Så snart du går inn i en ny tidsalder, vil du motta et nytt rådhus og ditt gamle vil bli automatisk erstattet. I de fleste tilfeller vil du kunne bygge et par nye bygninger som tilhører tidsalderen med en gang.

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Campaign introduction.png

Å utvikle og holde orden i byen er ikke alt. På kontinentkartet kan du øke størrelsen på ditt imperium ved å ta over provins etter provins. Det er lurt, da det gir deg gode belønninger. Kontinentkartet er delt opp i seksjoner som tilhører forskjellige tidsaldre. Din fremgang på kontinentkartet korresponderer omtrent med din fremgang i forskning. Merk at det er en hel verden bak kontinentkartet, med flere kart og flere eventyr.

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City introduction.png

The nuts and bolts of a successful city is production. Only if you produce enough coins and supplies will you be able to get the newest buildings and military units. Be sure, though, to have as many residential buildings and production buildings as possible, since they give you your main income. Compare the buildings you are able to build carefully – there is always a building that is best suited to your playing style. Almost as important is the happiness level of your people, because if your citizens are happy, their production is much more efficient. So build cultural buildings and decorations, and always try to keep your people inspired.


Research introduction.png

At the top of your city view in the center, there is a display showing your Forge Points. Every hour you get one more, until you have reached your maximum. These points are the engine that drives forth your empire: You need them to trade, to level up Great Buildings and, more importantly, for research. You conduct research by investing into technologies in the research tree with your points. If you have come up with the required amount and (if necessary) the unlocking costs, the advantages of the new technology will be available to you and you can build something new in your city from your building menu.

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Ia portrait righthand.png

On the left of the screen you will see portraits of your advisors. If you click on one, you can do quests for them. Quests let you delve deeper into the game world, and they tell you the history of the world, its countries and rulers.

Fulfilling quests is worth it – because you get interesting rewards such as goods, coins, supplies, units that are not tied to slots in military buildings, and diamonds. There are basically two different types of quests. Your right hand man, Ragu Silvertongue, leads you through the main story. You cannot refuse his quests – you have to do them. At a later point in the game there will be a second questline with an additional storyline, quests which you can't abort either.

Your other advisors give you very different assignments: Your architect Fernikus will often ask you to construct buildings, and your scientist Mandrubar will push for research. You can reject or discard those quests of your other advisors. There is no shame in doing so, and if you doubt a quest fits into your strategy, you can reject or discard it. This may even occasionally be necessary, because unlike the quests of Ragu Silvertongue, it might happen that your advisors gives you an unattainable quest. Most of the quests that you reject are, then, however, irrevocably gone, and you will get no chance to do them later. But this is no big deal – it's impossible to see all the quests in the game, and you will receive only tasks that are adequate for your current situation in the game – and often a variety of possible situations are included. Therefore, if you reject a specific quest, you will get another to replace it.

Kart og kriger

Army introduction.png

You should never lose sight of the continent map. Acquire provinces, because only then will you get more expansions you can place in your city and can utilize essential good deposits. Whether you trade for your sectors or conquer them is your decision. At first, it is easy to defeat the armies of your enemy with military units, but soon the battles become more challenging.

Prepare yourself well for this: pay close attention to what units your opponent has, and bring units on to the field which are a good match for them. In general terms, fast units are good at fighting against ranged units, and melee units are good against fast units. Ranged fighters in turn have an advantage against melee units. You can do more to increase your chances in battle: If you infiltrate a sector, the enemy units are already damaged at the beginning of the battle, which can provide a distinct advantage. Furthermore, if you are utilizing the terrain on the battlemap wisely, and always try to gang up on an enemy unit with several units of your own, you should prevail in battle and crush resistance. Read More


Aid introduction.png

You are not alone in the world: In your neighborhood you can find other players with whom you can trade. If you deal well with others, they might visit your town and support you. Of course you can also visit cities and polish or motivate the buildings of your fellow players.

This gives you a few extra coins that can be of good use early in the game, as well as a small chance to find a valuable blueprint-piece for a Great Building. Great Buildings will provide great advantages to any player that manages to build one. In addition to peaceful coexistence, you also have the opportunity to fight against your neighbors. If you and your attacking army defeat the defenders of the enemy, you can plunder a building – this can generate additional income, but you should realize that such behavior does not win you friends. However, if you participate in tournaments, you can get coveted medals, but there will be almost no way around having to fight a lot.


Etter ikke så alt for lenge vil du behøve varer. Planlegg fremover slik at du aldri kommer til et sted hvor du sitter fast da du mangler varene du trenger. Du må ikke produsere alle dine varer selv - konsentrer deg om de du har varelager for på kontinentkartet. Gå sammen med andre spillere og handle varer mellom hverandre for å få de du mangler. Du kan også handle varer med NPC-handelsmenn, men deres handelsratio er så dårlig at dette bør være siste utvei. Det er også en annen måte å skaffe varer. Om du bruker din hær og angriper naboer med god timing, kan du plyndre dine naboers vareproduksjoner.

Tips fra oss

  • Planlegg alltid fremover
  • Husk å bruk dine Forge-poeng før det er fylt opp
  • Sørg for at du starter produksjon av varer du har bonus til så snart som mulig
  • Bruk plassen i din by så effektivt som du klarer
  • Få tak i alle utvidelsene du klarer - de går aldri ut på dato og er essensielle for utvikling
  • Flem ikke den daglige bonusen fra ditt rådhus
  • Vær alltid oppmerksom på lykkenivået i din by
  • Besøk andre byer og motiver eller poler bygninger om du behøver mynter med en gang
  • I krig: infiltrer! Se på fiendens oppsett og velg enheter som passer godt, bruk terrengfordeler og angrep en enhet med flere av dine når du kan!